I have over the past 24 years of attempting to survive persecution as I envisaged the intrusions into my liberty to represent developed a frame of mind that regards the interactions between living beings as organised in Brahma-Nature in terms of its sattvic, rajasic and tamasic guna consciousness manifestations. This psychological drama unfolds every moment of existence on this Earth and to preserve one's liberty in order to survive in dignity one needs to be dodging and diving the forces that are always out to trap one into slavery so as to get one to do things their way and this was unacceptable to me for I would then have had to give up my personal convictions on harmony, conservation and preservation of Nature in performing the sanatan dharma in bhakti and devotion to God. The persecution complex arising as a state of mind generates paranoia, persistent delusions, and paranoid schizophrenia that the person seeking Divine guidance has to negotiate and navigate himself through the complexity of this maze of existence.
Developments in Nature are impermanent and transient so other developments take place to negate earlier intrusions and persecutory activities upon one. So, one has to be judicious in one’s actions to stay on top of one’s circumstances to prevent the powers that be from trapping one in legal and medical difficulties in order to enforce incarceration of a libertarian in a mental hospital or prison or even just contninue to treat you as a mental patient requiring medications of various anti-psychotic, anti-depressant, and mood-stabilising nature.
There comes a time in one’s journey where liberty is fully attained and any action will expose one to the evil (tamasic) persecution of the powers that be in society and ones liberty will be threatened once again. This moment has come for me.
This just about sums up my mental state.
Societies regulated by States do not like libertarians free-wheeling, for it destabilises the State. But the powerful force of liberty is unbeatable.