During my journey through the truthpath of satyaadvaita yoga, I have explored many concepts mostly as elaboration of Hindu thought for only Hinduism gives a truthseeker the mental scope for examining Reality as time has proven. This is because the travel through the path takes one to a state of mind where one had necessarily to abandon all one's attachments and operate the mind at the so-described interface between the mind and the Supermind, the mind at this juncture being known as the atman and the Supermind, the Om (Essence of Truth), with the Almighty God Sri Krishna lying dormant beyond that point in what constitutes Consciousness.
Satyaadvaita yoga never ceases, for there is always a need to seek out what precisely lies ahead of one in the mode that I have arrived at, that is on the assumption with good justification that the universe is preordained and preporchestrated so one had to find ones kismat or destiny if one wished to be advaitic, and advaitic means the perfection of harmony with the Reality that exists not just moment by moment but durably and for the rest of one's life; so I am going along on that mode to see what is next on the agenda.
The Seven Books that are written as the basal raw material for the final raison d'etre that I am tending to reconcile myself to are available from Lulu publishing https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/the-allurementofrealityofshantanupanigrahi ; and from the websites as Store Products: https://www.theconservativelibertariansociety.com/shop https://www.theallurementofrealityinreview.com/shop
Since I came off being philanthropic on Janamashtami day to concentrate on my duties and responsibilities towards my family first, then towards anyone else who wishes to interact with me to secure my services, I cannot offer any of my Books free of charge. The latest Book, The Ram-Conception of Sanatan Dharma is therefore only available through my website as an Ebook. I will not be publishing any print books again, as they are bad for the environment. I must practice what I preach in relation to The Climate Change Phenomenon.