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Shantanu Panigrahi
Oct 31, 2024
In Religion and Philosophy
Shantanu Panigrahi
Oct 28, 2024
Shantanu Panigrahi
Feb 27, 2023
In Humanology
Over the past 25 years I have lost count of the number of criminal minds that I have identified but none have faced justice in a court of law: I give up now. So why do I give up? It is because truth is justice and no State in the world is fundamentally based on truth, the eternal truth of our Being. The eternal truth is the fact that is given by advaita, or non-duality in which one lives to harmony with Nature in truth-accommodation. No one practices that individually that I know of (me being an exception of course) and so no State is built upon the conception of universality. All States have objectives, missions, plans, strategies, schemes, wishes, hopes, and desire to better the State in material terms. This is counterproductive. So everyone is a criminal if they do not adhere to the path of truth-accommodation and the States condone it for these States have to function to their Constitutions which are naturally all different to each other and form the culture of the societies that the Constitution creates in each State. Individuals serve the State and not doing so constitutes sedition or treason. So they are marginalised into their own sanctuaries at home blacklisted from employment, and sent to mental hospitals and prisons for State-determined crimes which differ from individual's assessment of what constitutes crime. The individual cannot take the State to the State's court of laws and have to allow the State to do what it needs to do: so one should not seek justice. If one's digressions from the path of that the State fosters are not tolerated, they have to face the consequences of their actions. The State determines what constitutes a crime, not the individual.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Feb 25, 2022
In Global Outlook
The past 48 hours is a pivotal point in the emerging New World Order. If Russia had just occupied Doniets and Luhansk without invading Ukraine from land sea and air and targeting Chernobyl as well as Kyiv I would not be saying this, It is evident to my thinking that Russia wanted to take on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) for Russia is anti-democratic but has been trying to muscle in with financial investments over the past 20 years in western countries and investing in supporting dictatorship as for example Assad of Syria. The unwritten alliance between China and Russia is also evident. So what does this mean for NATO. NATO was constructed post World War and now we are on the brink of another World War, with democratic freedom loving peoples on one side and dictatorships on the other. If this is the way things are shaping up and let us have a conversation about it, it is high time that NATO should expand across the globe bringing in all democratic nations under its umbrella to have a bi-polar world. My view therefore is that let Russia, Syria, China, Myanmar, North Korea, etc that are established dictatorships go their own way in the world and let the democratic nations go their way. For this to happen there should be an urgent conference of existing NATO countries to which countries like India, and Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, and other countries amenable to the idea of turning the Organisation into the Democratic Nations Treaty Alliance (DNTA) must be invited. The global world order is over, globalisation as an economic model is over. The time to be real has come, or the dictators will exploit other non-NATO countries to strengthen dictatorships and despotic regimes in the rest of the world. A chalk and cheese situation is apparent if one looks at the world order now. It is a competetion of one system of living to another system of living. If we in the freedom loving countries of the world believe that democracy with all its faults is still the best way to govern ourselves, we should stand our ground without having a World War that would cause massive environmental repercussions globally. Any thoughts would be welcome across the world.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Feb 25, 2022
In Global Outlook
38 Degrees Search Start a Campaign News Donate More Log in Join SHANTANU P. in signing this petition. To: People Power The barbarians from Russia and China must be campaigned against The barbarians from Russia and China must be campaigned against The invasion of Russia led by the despot Vladimir Putin and the KGB's mobilisation of the military is being supported by China for its own internal as well as geopolitical interest in destabilising the freedom loving libertarian democracies of the world. This should not be left just to government and the matter is urgent. Sanctions are not sufficient. A campaign is necessary in the media for the purpose of coalescing those peoples and countries who value the spirit of democracy. There is now a very severe danger of a bipolar world with Russia and China on one side and western style democracies on the other. This is going to be a long-term struggle to establish the superiority of democracy on one side and dictatorship on the other. We cannot let the forces of barbaric dictatorship win. Why is this important? There is a need to mobilise thoughtful people into campaigning against these giants of Russia and China and for which democratic countries must be told that the dangers to world peace, security and freedom is immense. Petitions should be signed internationally to present to the United Nations accordingly from discussions that I can make available on the internet here:
Shantanu Panigrahi
Feb 18, 2022
In Science and Technology
It is best to forearm ourselves to tackle the Energy Crisis facing the United Kingdom in the years to come, with unreliable and diminishing supplies in importation of fossil fuels. One way we can do this is to start an industry to save energy and to this end I have started a petition at 38 Degrees inviting those concerned to sign the petition as a matter of urgency so that the government takes the necessary actions to try and ameliorate the shortages in energy supplies and the resulting cost of energy. In my view this has to come from a new focus for an industry that will save energy in the nation as well as generate employment in a new way and create a better environment with reduced pollution from the burning of fossil fuels that we rely on. Nuclear power is an option but it has other types of dangers in terms of radioactive wastes. So, I would like those concerned about the cost of living crisis that is inextricably linked to the energy factor to sign this petition to get the debate under way: More investment needed on micro solar and wind power and insulating homes | 38 Degrees Thank you all for reading this and should anyone wish to talk about it your comments would be most welcome here. Be a part of the community of the United Kingdom. We should love our country and be loyal to Her Majesty for she has faced considerable hurdles in her illustrious servitude to the nation that celebrates her Platinum Jubiliee this year. She tries her best and so we should try our best to give her something back as a reward for her sacrifices. Nothing would be better in this regard than showing her that we care for our country and are prepared to pool our intellectual resources together to make the United Kingdom a great country to be inhabiting in. Should anyone wish to have a private conversation with me please email me on Shantanu Panigrahi
Shantanu Panigrahi
Feb 12, 2022
In Science and Technology
In my personal experience mental helath drugs from State authority are imposed on dissidents, activists and protestors as a way of suppressing peaceful seeking of justice in Police States masquerading as civil democratic coutries not to calm and sooth anxieties and stress-relared depression in medicallyafflicted patients. It is when the viability of the Constitution of a State is threatened from peaceful fight of a person for justice the State embarks on a course of vengeance and otganises the commital of the activist to Mental institution and to cover its tracks imposes antipsychotic antidepressant and mood stabilising medications to deceive the public that the individual is a paranoid schizophrenic and has persistent delusional disorders. This is proven in my case when I had to go in for self referral to a State psychiatrist to see what medicine could helpe to cope with the year long workplace harassment on me byy employer i 1997-1998 as I suffered when my career was threatened and got suspended from work for exposing the sham kangaroo court disciplinary hearing that found me of being blameworthy of gross misconductj resulting in my dismissal. The psychiatris had found to have severe depression with psychotic features. In facing this intolerable injustice that was so defamatory that no other employer would recruit me I became an actist when the employment tribunal and civil courts sided with my employer. Then began 20 years of non violent peaceful activism to tesr apart the Police State by cort actions right up to the International Criminal Cort. The State took its vengeance on me for this kind of activism as the matter went to the Security Council of the United Nations. For my sins I was incarcerated twice in State Mental hospitals, first in 2004 and then again in 2008, but because there was nothing the matter with my mental faculty I had to be released. I restarted my activism in 2012 and eas again sent as an otpatient under the Care in the community misnomer of the National Health Service, forced on risperidone quetamine aripripazole sertraline and depakote which I took but a Consultant Forensic Psychiatris had examened me. The State in September 2021 framed charges that I had harassed and stalked someone and I was arrested by the Police on 24 November 2021 despite the fact that I was on these medications and without a solicitor to assist me in criminal proceedings. I was released withot bail but our desktop computer, my USB Memory Stick and my Mobile phone were siezed by the Police withot a search or arrest warrant. The doctor gave Medical Certificat to whom it may concern that i had paranoid schizophrenia and persistent delusional disorders with a list of my medications attached to it. I was working again in a petrol station from 41 December 2021 but had knee and heel iinjury from heavycumbersome and tight Safety shoes provided by my emploer so I went off sick on self certified sicknsss on 2 February 2022.for 7 days as the law requires and the doctor gave me a sick note fkr statury sick pay from 10 February to 19 February. I asked the new list of all the medications presribed for me and thiz was provided with only one change to that of 29 November 2021. I emailed my employers the sick nofe and the latest medication which has a next review date of July 2023.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Nov 02, 2021
In Global Outlook
To: Each country will resolve its own issues COP26 SUMMIT: THE DIRECTION IT SHOULD TAKE Dear Sir The world is in a state of confusion through which states are managing their individual problems of feeding their own people and looking after their welfare in the way they see fit. There is a need to tackle the impending doom by massively reducing demand on natural resources, and not continually strive to generate economic growth from investments that are short to medium term in duration before new technological innovations become needed to mitigate the adverse effects of that demand-led economic management. That fuels further demand because new goods and services come at higher prices initially at least and this makes the ordinary people to abandon austerity to strive for higher incomes which goes hand in hand with corruption at a massive scale across the world. Demand is what should be frozen and that is the only means of environmentally-sustainable lifestyles for whichever country is interested in Climate Change issues. You control demand through restriction of credit and you control the damage to the environment. The basic law of home economics will then apply that one cuts ones coat according to the cloth that one has, and so lives within each country's means. All supply chains of transfers of goods from one end of the globe to the other end at the cost of massive amounts of crude oil and generating pollution from spillages and destroying coastal areas and deeper oceans to destroy biodiversity will then cease. So the net zero target strategy is putting the cart before the horse and will solve nothing globally. Politicians are not the appropriate people to make such decisions, only scientific experts should be in government whose decisions the politicians have to carry out so that they are not marginalised out of the genuine solutions they may have to offer to the issue of Climate Change. Why is this important? It is necessary for all of us to concern ourselves not just of our backyard but also distant places where people go for holidays and for buisness purposes. Self sufficiency is needed to get people to work their own patch of land with their hands in allotmments, not focus money on educating children to go into selected industries to maintain economic growth. A slow and methodical decline in economic prospects is what needs to be calculated instead of Net Zero Strategy on Carbon emissions. Sign the petition * First Name * Last Name * Email * Postcode I'd like to be emailed about this, and other great 38 Degrees campaignsYes, keep me informed via emailNo, don't send me emails or keep me updated in future By submitting your information, you confirm that you are at least 16 years old, and that we may share limited personal information with decision makers on a campaign - for example, when handing in petitions. Your personal information will only be used for the purposes of progressing the campaign and for the purposes described in our privacy policy. If you give us permission to contact you, you can withdraw it at any time by updating your preferences. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Oct 23, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy
There is a proverb which says that genious is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration: Really? Posted in Facebook Timeline: Money is for the peace of the body; liberty is for the peace of the mind: can you strike the optimal balance? __________________________________________________________________________________ Shantanu Panigrahi shared a memory. 1sh · Shared with Public Public Food, water, clothes, housing, transport are just to be used to stay alive. Nothing more. Save as much as possible for use to invest in mental exertions. The more the mind is free of physical activities, the more the mental energy is channelled to creativity. This is because with liberty comes the mind’s exploration of the universe, not just of this material world and the useless preoccupations which causes stress and disrupts peace of mind. Once you know the universe you are a genius because the mind has been satiated with pristine truth as knowledge. Then the question arises what is the Miind and what is its mental energy that is to be channelled into exploring the universe instead of just studying and acting in this material world. The brain is the somatic mind (the memory apparatus) that neuroscience studies. It controls all bodily functions. It can be trained through physical activities like jogging to keep the physical heath at a peak level of carrying out mundane tasks. When trained it is brainwashed. Different people have different levels and directions of brainwashing through academic and political education. This generates conflicts in the Community of humanity. When one detaches oneself from the somatic mind, we are still alive so what keeps us alive then is the Supermind (mahatman) the stages in between being the atman which in turn can be still raw enough to be called the jivatman. At the mahatman level one is in total knowledge of the universe including all of the material world. With such knowledge one is perfect in all one's decisions. One has then fed the Mind with all the essential food for thought to conduct oneself nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly in one’s actions to make it possible to attain the dignity of survival in achieving one's quest for liberty. This is moksha. In summary, the Mind consists of the memory (somatic mind), jivatman, atman, and mahatman. God is the paramatman and is not necessary to make one a genius. He/She lies dormant in the psyche unless He has a mission to intervene in the affairs of mankind and then He/She can override the Mind. Beyond the Mind is Nothing. One can remain unconscious but still with a pulse running on the autonomous nervous system. This state is Shunyata when one is in union with Paramatman the Absolute Reality or in nirguna-nirvana. It is not for a family man but for a sanyassi. This why I now distance myself from God. 1 Year Ago See your memories Shantanu Panigrahi 20tc2c Onuctusob0eor2 2mg0e203d · Shared with Public Public Those who feed their bodies become morons; those who feed their minds become geniuses.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sep 23, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy
I have over the past 24 years of attempting to survive persecution as I envisaged the intrusions into my liberty to represent developed a frame of mind that regards the interactions between living beings as organised in Brahma-Nature in terms of its sattvic, rajasic and tamasic guna consciousness manifestations. This psychological drama unfolds every moment of existence on this Earth and to preserve one's liberty in order to survive in dignity one needs to be dodging and diving the forces that are always out to trap one into slavery so as to get one to do things their way and this was unacceptable to me for I would then have had to give up my personal convictions on harmony, conservation and preservation of Nature in performing the sanatan dharma in bhakti and devotion to God. The persecution complex arising as a state of mind generates paranoia, persistent delusions, and paranoid schizophrenia that the person seeking Divine guidance has to negotiate and navigate himself through the complexity of this maze of existence. Developments in Nature are impermanent and transient so other developments take place to negate earlier intrusions and persecutory activities upon one. So, one has to be judicious in one’s actions to stay on top of one’s circumstances to prevent the powers that be from trapping one in legal and medical difficulties in order to enforce incarceration of a libertarian in a mental hospital or prison or even just contninue to treat you as a mental patient requiring medications of various anti-psychotic, anti-depressant, and mood-stabilising nature. There comes a time in one’s journey where liberty is fully attained and any action will expose one to the evil (tamasic) persecution of the powers that be in society and ones liberty will be threatened once again. This moment has come for me. This just about sums up my mental state.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sep 12, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy It has taken me a considerable number of years to determine what is Hindutva, in actual fact, for I was brought up within the Hindu tradition but had no gurus from the age of 18 when my parents returned to India and I was left in the United Kingdom to make my way in life. I was enamoured by the British way of life and learnt the proverbs, most notable among them that springs to mind right now is that 'a man without a aim or ambition is a ship without a rudder'. So I set ambitions to do certain things. However when all these ambitions were actually put to the rest of what the Reality would accommodate they amounted to fools paradise to the point that today I am living on my pension which is meagre and rely on the charity of my wife to fund my hobbies, most important of which is writing. I have written 7 Books in eBook and print format and have plans to write more as I have my own Publishing Company, The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited, registered with Companies House of the United Kingdom. But plans do not necessarily materialise, I have learnt the hard way and one needs to adopt a free way of navigating Nature which gives one peace of mind and freedom from mental disturbances such as paranoia, paranoid schizophrenia and persistent delusions, all these I have suffered from over the 23 years since losing my scientific career at the University of Greenwich in its Natural Resources Insitutue. Now I seek my path in total contentment each moment of the day carrying on nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly towards the next moment to see what that would bring in material terms for spiritually, I am enlightened enough to know what is true and what is false now. It is with this in mind I have reacted to a post in Facebook this morning on the report at certain American Universities are minded to have a conference on dismantling Hindutva. If they know Hindutva, I would like to know what they mean by it for Hindutva simply means the essence of Hinduism, in the same way the Islam has its five pillars of rituals and practices.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sep 11, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Condolences and Sombre Commemoration from the Conservative Libertarian Society on atrocity of 9/11 Avatar Shantanu Panigrahi 11 September 2021 9/11terrorismClimateSustainability I wish to express my heartfelt condolences and sympathy to all the bereaved Americans, not just who died on the calamitous day of 9/11 Twin Towers terroristic event that has marked the modern era, but with all that followed in Afghanistan and Iraq with the thousands of Americans who have suffered since. May God give President Biden and the American people the wisdom to bring this chapter to a closure and look forward to a new world order where terrorism in all its forms can be kept under close check with the scientific and military technologies that minimise civilian casualties. Coming out of Afghanistan on a clean break on August 31st allows the dust to settle both in the country of Afghanistan and in the United States of America, so that evolutionary pressures emanate to chart the future direction of both the countries in accordance with their endowments both financial and moral. We in the Society are as always non-judgmental on all such issues and hope to contribute our knowledge and wisdom towards harmony in Nature, conserving and preserving the Planet Earth and its inhabitants both human and in biodiversity terms. I know it is a going to be a time for soul-searching in the United States of America on this day, but we do hope for truth and reconciliation to take place across the board of humanity through examining ground realities on how to make for a better world than the one we have inherited. Human conflicts shift the focus from the Climate Change Agenda but the two should be linked inextricably for they are interdependent in the perception of the Society. Unless people get food to eat, and all the basic necessities of life, they cannot fight religious or nationalistic wars. We hope that the World Order that we envisage will put an onus on all the countries of the world to first and foremost have the responsibility to be able to feed their populations without outside financial and humanitarian help to prop up such failed regimes. It is in no-one's interest that regions of the world that are ecologically unsustainable in terms of the human carrying capacity of the land and water continue to be inhabited on a massive scale for it puts pressures elsewhere in the global ecosystem to generate resources to feed the populations of those areas, and that is unsustainable without catastrophic Climate Change repercussions. So let us have a debate about all these matters openly and transparently.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sep 09, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum We welcome interest in our quest for a better world through knowledge distillation and development of ideas to utilise the new-found understanding of Nature including human nature. There is never a better time to start than right now, let byegones be byegones. We learn from past actions to discover what is right and what is wrong individually and collectively. The evolution of societies in peace and harmony progresses with that non-judgmental state of mind. You cannot buck the market of Nature, this is what we Conservative Libertarians believe in. Nature restricts us, it limits us, sooner or later the chickens come home to roost. Taxes have gone up in the United Kingdom through a Conservative government which broke manifesto promises and has always said that it is a party of low taxation. Events my dear friends, events in Nature can and will come and scupper all plans. The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men. Gang aft a-gley”. No one knows the future. In the Vishista-advaita Vedanta philosophy that Conservative Libertarianism is based on, we seek our destiny from our nonchalant, spontaneous and unpremeditated actions, with no hopes, no ambitions, no expectations, no anticipations, no desires, no ego, no missions in fact with no attachments for Nature is so impermanent that planning to do something is practically unproductive. It only generates mental disturbances like paranoid schizophrenia and persistent delusions and paranoia, distrust of others, stresses of the mind, which is not what living is all about. Living is about stress-free life, That is why the Buddha tried so hard to formulate the Noble truths and the Eightfold path to serenity of the mind, to alleviate the so-called dukha. We of course are not Buddhists. We believe in wholehearted immersement in Nature, the Creation as we love, worship and live to the sanatan dharma needed to preserve, harmonise and conserve the Creation of God. Our actions speak louder than words in this respect. I have over the past 24 years tried to live my life at the highest levels of Hinduism, but I did not know what that entailed. After this long period of searching for the truth through life experiences, I have discovered that and so can go about my life fearlessly, with nothing to stop me from expressing my views across the world through my website-platform and the 7 Books that I have written that form the basal raw material on which this level of Hindu thought is based. I am free at 9.19 am on 9 September 2021, in total liberty: if that is not mukti or moksha within samsara nothing else can be.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sep 02, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy
During my journey through the truthpath of satyaadvaita yoga, I have explored many concepts mostly as elaboration of Hindu thought for only Hinduism gives a truthseeker the mental scope for examining Reality as time has proven. This is because the travel through the path takes one to a state of mind where one had necessarily to abandon all one's attachments and operate the mind at the so-described interface between the mind and the Supermind, the mind at this juncture being known as the atman and the Supermind, the Om (Essence of Truth), with the Almighty God Sri Krishna lying dormant beyond that point in what constitutes Consciousness. Satyaadvaita yoga never ceases, for there is always a need to seek out what precisely lies ahead of one in the mode that I have arrived at, that is on the assumption with good justification that the universe is preordained and preporchestrated so one had to find ones kismat or destiny if one wished to be advaitic, and advaitic means the perfection of harmony with the Reality that exists not just moment by moment but durably and for the rest of one's life; so I am going along on that mode to see what is next on the agenda. The Seven Books that are written as the basal raw material for the final raison d'etre that I am tending to reconcile myself to are available from Lulu publishing ; and from the websites as Store Products: Since I came off being philanthropic on Janamashtami day to concentrate on my duties and responsibilities towards my family first, then towards anyone else who wishes to interact with me to secure my services, I cannot offer any of my Books free of charge. The latest Book, The Ram-Conception of Sanatan Dharma is therefore only available through my website as an Ebook. I will not be publishing any print books again, as they are bad for the environment. I must practice what I preach in relation to The Climate Change Phenomenon.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Aug 21, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy
From Facebook Krishnamurti Foundation Trust 2tggtS0ponhlsored · As most of our education is the acquisition of knowledge, it is making us more and more mechanical; our minds are functioning along narrow grooves, whether it is scientific, philosophical, religious, business or technological knowledge that we are acquiring. Our ways of life, both at home and outside it, and our specializing in a particular career, are making our minds more and more narrow, limited and incomplete. All this leads to a mechanical way of life, a mental standardization, and so gradually the State, even a democratic State, dictates what we should become. Most thoughtful people are naturally aware of this, but unfortunately they seem to accept it and live with it. This has become a danger to freedom. —Krishnamurti From The Whole Movement of Life Is Learning Our ways of life both at home and outside it, are making our minds narrow, limited and incomplete. All this leads to a mechanical way of life. @krishnamurtifoundationtrust Shantanu: This perfectly summarises the greatness of Krishnamurthy. He saw it all and alerted us to the dangers of falling victim to overregulation of our lives. Education at a formal or professional level is a baggage to freethought and rationalism. Read my life experiences here in the United Kingdom: Unfortunately, when one utters such sentiments, one is marginalised out of the society that one lives in because States need slaves to the system in operation. They deal with issues at a diplomatic level which only deals with material disputes, which get nowhere to the truth of our existence on this Planet as human beings. All State institutions even in a so-called democracy of the United Kingdom including the Media are regulated to political correctness thereby keeping the population in stagnant waters of ignorance as machine tools.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Aug 12, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy
I lost all my Wordpress contents in the Blog: and do not have the compulsion to reproduced that here given that the materials were podcasted for anyone who might be interested in what I had written. Here they are: TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE FOR WORLD CONSERVATION Spotify podcasts (February – June 2021) Mayawadi and Brahmovadi: Disclaimer: Review of my progress in generating knowledge for world conservation: Addtional Developments: Plea to Modiji for award of Bharat Ratna to Dr Shantanu Panigrahi: Correspondence with employers and Kent Police: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi discusses the British Justice System with the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom: An Open letter to the United Kingdom Government through MP Rehman Chishti: The Implications of Vishwaroopa: Preface to my Book Unravelling the British: Challenging a Government Decision through the Courts of Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service: A Personal Account of Realisation: The Condition of Persistent Delusional Disorder of Dr Shantanu Panigrahi: Why the World should tend towards veganism: The verna system of social organisation of the Hindus: Social engineering: The Allurement of Reality is Complete: Bhakti in End Review: ; The Nutritional Dimension to Abiogenesis and Evolution: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi puts forward an updated understanding of the Theory of Evolution: Repeal of the Freedom of Information Act 2000: The Vaishnavism philosophy limits what a person can do as a Conservative Libertarian: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: Optionisation and Optimisation: Charity: The Conservative Libertarian Society: Creation of Multi-purpose websites: Curriculum Vitae of the Mahatman-Purnavatar: The Yoga of Discovery and Revelation: Process of publishing these memoirs in print and eBook: Proceedings at her Majesty’s Court and Tribunals Service on Complaints lodged: Publish and be damned: Renewed Search for legal advice and representation: Tesco investigations and suspension from work of Dr Shantanu Panigrahi pending disciplinary considerations: Happy now with your bhakti: Reminiscences of a Paranoid Schizophrenic: How is liberty attained: Criminal Anonymous Email Terrorism continues on Dr Shantanu Panigrahi: Progress in converting ‘A brief history in time’ into print format: The Spiritual Symbol of Om in Visishta-advaita Vedanta: Navigating Brahma Nature and associated mental disorders: Occupying the pin-pointedly the Centre of the Sphere of Reality: The development of the person into atman: The basics and basis of theology: Nonchalance, spontaneity and unpremeditation of ones actions is the hallmark of a Vishista-advaita Vedantist: Stick to your own guns, be independent, non-aligned and so non-judgmental: Truth-exposure and truth accommodation wards off evil thoughts from one’s psyche and elsewhere: Always have a mission to find out who one is in Vishista-advaita Vedanta: Experience life as much as possible to blend it with scriptures: The Sanatan Dharma in Vishista-advaita Vedanta: How is Hanuman Upasana and Hanuman Chaalisa related to Vaishnavism: The beauty and joy (ananda) in the practice of Vaishnavism: Doing: Creation is valuable and precious so do not stay still, that is karma: Have you harmonised, preserved and conserved: how do you know: Where does bhakti come into play in Vishista-advaita Vedanta Framework of the expression of the mind: Learn to love the finer things in life, but in moderation: Hindu shlokas that forms the basis of karma in Vishista-advaita Vedanta: How a Vaishnavist deals with injustices in being totally non-violent as the true meaning of ahmisa: How are we doing so far: any progress in spirituality versus materiality: Devotion to truth does not preclude devotion to God, but reinforces it: Survival-first risk-averse strategy of a libertarian in search for ‘what is going on’: Put your trust in no one not even God the Creator: What is Hinduism and who is a Hindu: The unravelling of the Grand Design Plan: The essential need for a libertarian approach to living: A Caveat-Disclaimer on the development of the Vishista-advaita Vedanta philosophy: Holding the Balance of Life together: Actions speak louder than words in practicing what you preach: The triumph of good over evil in Vishista-advaita Vedanta: Jeevan mukti through dharma: thought of the day 18 February 2021: Predestiny and the approach to it through Vaishnavism: How is Vaishnavism related to Vishista Advaita Vedanta: Bhakti and the course of Infinite Wisdom: Sri Krishna, satya-advaita and vegetarianism: Liberation_moksha/mukti and so Samadhi is the final destination of satya-advaita yoga: Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism: Truth, faith, bhakti, dharma, karma, and sanatan dharma: The various types of Mediums: When you follow a dream it takes you in a roundabout way to your fated-destination: The modern update on Vishista-advaita Vedanta: Personal objectives for a Vishista-advaita Vedantist: Buccaneering for the truth: satyagraha: The future for mankind and the planet Earth from a Vishista-advaitist: Transition from a Brahmo-advaita to Vishista-advaita: Do not trust anyone or any publication, not even God: treat it all as fake: No divine inspiration nor reliance on revelations for a Vishista-advaitist: Hindu shlokas that forms the basis of karma in Vishista-advaita Vedanta: A Proviso from the Visionary ‘Yours truly’ Founder of Vishista-advaita Vedanta: Exposure of truth in Vishista-advaita Vedanta: The Somatic Mind and the Supermind: Religion of Philosophy: depends on what is viable in a particular State: From Vaishnavism to Om in Vishita-advaita Vedanta: The atman and the Paramatman as Supermind or Om in the process of truth incarnation: Registration of a place of Meeting for Communal Worship: Mukti or Moksha is not possible nor ideal for a Vishista-advaita Vedantist: Vishista-advaita States that the body is important so it is a semi-spiritual realisation: Conversion from other relgions into Hinduism is easy matter under Vishista-advaita Vedanta Conception: Truth-seeking about oneself: swadyaya: Change of name from Vishistaadvaita vedanda to Vishista-advaita Vedanta: Spirituality refection of more recent times: Update on the legal and medical proceedings during Spring of 2021: Accumulation of knowledge from internet forums and life experiences: Proceedings at the Supreme Court of India: A New Beginning: Post-search developments: Continuing Struggle and Search: To Life without Reference to God or Religion: Post-realisation musings: Where do we go from here: Satyamev Jayate: Truth prevails: Satisfaction and Contentment: Freedom of thought and actions, the natural way of living: Darshan of God: A Closure? Rehabilitation Turning Point: The Nature of Evil: Mental Relapse into Court Proceedings: The process of rehabilitation into society: Contesting the psychiatric diagnosis: Persistent delusional disorder diagnosed: Asylum applications: Legal proceedings against the University of Greenwich: Struggle to save my scientific career at the University of Greenwich: Preface to satya-advaita yoga: Vishista-advaita Vedanta development by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi: Brahmavid-Brahmaiva bhavati: he who knows Brama verily becomes Brahma: Reverence to God Sri Krishna on His Lotus feet is temporary by Shantanu Panigrahi: Violence against Women: Images: God as human or human as God: Jesus Christ and Que Sera Sera: Reflections on todays synopsis on spirituality: The Resolve to truth accommodate: The Mind is all we are: Ignorance is not bliss, knowledge is: The Bounty and Beauty of Nature: Satya-advaita yoga and Vishista-advaita Vedanta: Where Money Comes From: Discussion Forum for Truth Seekers: The Search for God does end, with Realisation: __________________________________________________________________________________ THE CLIMATE CHANGE PHENOMENON Spotify podcasts (July 2021) Olympic Flame Burning Away: Why India should revert to a dharmarashtra: Reviewing Discussion: Legal buccaneering: Worship of the Divine: Navigating Vyavaharika again: The Illusionary Universe: A Libertarian Democrat?: Dharma Again: Realisation of God: Book publication of my reminiscences: Medical Supervision of Dr Shantanu Panigrahi: The Mind, Body and Soul in our Constitution: What is Hinduism and who is a Hindu: Dharma: duties and righteous actions: The Mind ponders in search for direction that is lawful: Testing the truths imagined, revealed or discovered: Fate: preordained or in one’s own hands: Brahman in Hindu Cosmogony and Religion: God’s Role in Human Mental Illness: The Theory of Evolution and the Mind: The two different Strands of Vedanta: Alcohol is a health and social evil, so its marketing must be controlled: East is East and West is West and Never the Twain shall Meet, or is that so? The Diversity of Hinduism: Why the United Kingdom now needs a written Constitution: The Economics of Green Socialism: The inevitable economic doomsday scenario for the World: The Ethics of Biodiversity and Environmental Management: Why the world should tend towards veganism: The ideal that I aspired to: Dharma-yudha and its application in the Hinduism of Advaita: Scope of the project:
Shantanu Panigrahi
Aug 09, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy
In all the discussions and deliberations that I have engaged in over the few years in living within the constraints of the Constitution of the United Kingdom, I have today come to realise that Security is the guardian of democracy. One must in that way alone have a policing State such as we have in this country. It was not always the case when I stumbled into material injustices that the State condoned against the University of Greenwich that dismantled my scientific career from what I perceive still to have been envy against a foreigner whose father had since his early childhood spoken to his children about the greatness of the British State. The Policiing has to be regulated, no doubt about that. And the United Kingdom provides the individual seeking the truth to go about his lawful libertarian spirit to live a productive life fulfilling all his or her dreams such as we see the Olympian athletes attain in Tokyo during the past fortnight. Independent Journalism regulates the Policing. And while my Blog and were banned by the State, my following websites where I continued with my social media journalism were left alone and the 7 Books that I have published of life in the United Kingdom are now distributed without any restrictions. I was seeking material justice and there was none to be sought. For I had not cooperated with the University of Greenwich deciding that it was a kangaroo court and I was better off outside the restrictions being imposed on me and my libertarianism by the University. I was always a free human being and I have paid the price for that in twice being incarcerated in a mental hospital (2004, 2008) and very recently been deemed to have taken the Prime Minister in a civil litigation to try and make him accountable to his actions. This the Court decided was wrong and I had to pay the Costs of the Cabinet Office amounting to £4170, which was the final determinant of the Constitution of the United Kingdom. It would be foolhardy of me to seek to Appeal any further than just simply clarify the reasons behind how I acted during these years. And as seems clear, The Court of Central London will no provide full written reasons for its decision, and neither will the Police on the activities of the Security Services who had sent me and my associates 1000+ criminal anonymous emails to try and trap me into a Pre-Trial procedure of the Court to administer even more stringent punishment on me for my transgressions. The Constitution thereby remains unwritten. This is the essential finding of all my truth search over the past 25 years, and I thank God that I have survived to realise what is right and what is wrong actions on the part of a citizen of the State that one lives under. They said the East is East and West is West and Never the Twain shall meet. This I have proven to be erroneous. A Hindu has made East and West meet as all my websites are in tact in the discovery that while the United Kingdom is a Security State, it fosters independent journalism and so is a very open society; full credit to Her Majesty the Queen in the intelligent manner through which she has discharged her duties. This is a story where East met West and West met East through compromise, for Christianity and Hinduism are entirely different in conception, the former being sattvic guna-based and the latter being rajasic guna-based. We ended up in my particular case somewhere in the middle as I write this post at 7.33 am on the 9th of August 2021 awaiting my job interview at Tesco Meopham, Kent, at 12.00 noon today, for the final report on this saga.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Aug 08, 2021
In Science and Technology
Noel, if you have ideas for a better world than we have inherited in terms of conservation, preservation and harmonising please do let us know and we can discuss and disseminate through our website and publications including video productions in any field of science and the humanities. See profile for Noel Bellen Status is reachable Noel Bellen 1st degree connection 1st Optimalisation of Carbon, Costs & Comfort of HVAC & Heat Networks | Net Zero | Sales & Marketing Leader | Chief Sales Officer at Hysopt 25m Shantanu Panigrahi As a matter of fact, I do have ideas. You can find one of the articles on our blog and I can provide more if you wish ( Rescuing our planet, one HVAC-system at a time! How Hysopt is changing the status-quo when it comes to carbon emissions. “Hydronic system optimisation”, here better known as Hysopt. Founded in 2013 as a spin-off from the University of Antwerp, Roel Vandenbulcke (CEO and founder) wanted to change the status-quo when it came to carbon emissions. Now, the Antwerp based company is making an impact on tackling global warming. Their weapon of choice? Your HVAC installations! HVAC-installations, I personally never gave it a thought in my life, yet Hysopt made it their core business… Well, it is certainly not the first time I heard someone say that, but it actually makes perfect sense! Buildings account for 40% of energy consumption and no less than 36% of CO₂ emissions. These are staggering figures, so much so that that’s even more than for industry or transport! Therefore, heating and cooling buildings more efficiently is our answer to global warming. By doing so, we could drastically reduce CO₂ -emissions and cut energy costs enormously all at the same time. There is still a deep-rooted misconception that investing in sustainability is extremely expensive, but we learned from experience that we can help you save an average of 40% CO₂- emissions and 30% on energy bills. Few people are aware of just how drastically you can reduce your operational costs and/or CO₂ -emissions by optimising your HVAC system. Not to mention that the thermal comfort of your building has a massive impact on the well-being and productivity of your people or the buying behaviour of your customers! Have I piqued your interest yet? But if a suboptimal HVAC system can have such a big impact on a company’s operational cost, why is it not better-known? Especially so, since it can also reduce CO₂-emissions. The truth of the matter is, seeing current practices, it is extremely hard to know for yourself whether it is working optimally or not. Let me give you an example: At the time the technical director of a hospital invested in a high performing heat pump, which he believes to be working optimally. The reality, on the other hand, tells us a different story. What is important to realise is that the heat pump in itself is not the problem. The problem is how the whole system is built in the first place. This is where things go wrong…And you should not underestimate the complexity of these installations. It is an interaction of pumps, pipes, control valves, sensors, etc. All these components are part of the same hydraulic installation and thus influence each other. Even the smallest detail, can be detrimental for the performance of the installation. The new technology, the range, and the variety of components available make it a real head-scratcher, that can only be solved with mathematical and physical calculations to find the optimal set-up. On top of that, HVAC systems must be agile for the weather conditions and the occupation of the building. Therefore, that dynamic behaviour is very difficult to fathom. Designers often have a ‘better safe than sorry’ attitude and “Let’s foresee a bigger pipe, in case of…”. The compilation of all these worst-case scenarios, make for installations twice as big as they must be, which inevitably means you are overpaying and over polluting. So, you are saying that organizations lose a lot of control over a very big part of the budget when renovating or constructing a building? Exactly! CO2 -emissions go through the roof and budgets spin out of control, and the worst part is they don’t even have a well-functioning installation. Building owners are losing across the board and they are fed up with it, rightfully so. Their installations are just one big jigsaw puzzle of components, opinions, etc. In the meantime, the bills just keep pouring in, only benefiting contractors, whilst clients are dissatisfied with a system that is eating away at their money. Now, Hysopt, how can you change a narrative that seems so deeply entrenched in our minds? Our technology allows us to help the client with what they need, and thus becoming a party they can trust. That’s it really, it is that simple. Our system’s KPI’s (carbon, cost, comfort, control, choice) are scientifically based and can be shown before the system is even built or renovated. This way the client always knows what he will get. But let’s be clear, we do not provide a one-stop-solution for all. No, we provide a whole range of scenarios, each individually optimised but with different KPI’s. This way the client can pick and choose what he wants and where his priorities lay. Because not every company is looking for the same thing. One client may want to reduce the energy bill, for the other it’s all about the investment cost of his new building project. Bearing in mind the climate objectives, we see that CO2 -emissions are now more than ever a focal point. At the end of the day, we deliver what the customer wants. It is our mission to create transparency as we believe it contributes to a more sustainable world. Even if you don’t have any prior knowledge about the workings of your installation, the least we can do is give you a choice in what you want. This way, you can actually have a say in the matter. Hysopt SoftwareAnd to achieve that, you use software? Yes, we are another software company, but in our defence, we are the only ones in the sector that can calculate and simulate the performance of your current HVAC-installation against an optimised system. Think of it as a virtualised system that we can fully understand, optimise and detect errors in so that they do not have to appear once the installation is built. The entire energy concept up to the individual component selections and even their setpoints are calculated and delivered. Finally, the calculation model is delivered as a so-called ‘Digital Twin’, very useful for further maintenance work or for future extensions or modifications. Okay, I am convinced, but… what kind of budget should I foresee for working with Hysopt? That is a redundant question, because we promise a payback within three years, at most! More often than not we are actually talking about three months! It’s really a no brainer to be honest. We sell a result: an optimised design of your HVAC-installation. When using our software on new buildings it gets even better. Not only can we help you save money on the operational costs, but on the investment costs as well since we are no longer over dimensioning your installation in the first place, remember?! Will that strategy constitute Hysopt’s business model for the foreseeable future, or do you have other ambitions? Our technology, as of now, has a global impact and /or potential, but we are not going to pretend that we can do it all alone. We work together with international partners (engineering firms, installation companies, Building Facility Managers) who want to help make a difference in the energy transition. We train our partners in the use of the software and support them with all the necessary domain knowledge, etc. So, we can deliver clients with what they are entitled to, an optimised installation that meets all the necessary requirements. What we are doing is not some futuristic plan. It is happening, now, and you better get on board, because our planet is done waiting! Making the problem more widely known is our number one priority. But beyond that, I dream of a world where clients take back power and help save the environment, along with thousands, if not millions, of Euros for their shareholders. I strongly believe that having an impact on global warming starts with acting now! Continuing to do research in this area, is great and I certainly do not want to discourage this, but I also want to reinforce the message that the technology and knowledge already exists today. We already can make a change, so let’s start doing it! I see a big role for Hysopt in the future, where we will not only advise organisations, but also help them run their HVAC-system in the most energy-efficient way, all while providing a comfort level of 95%. The possibilities in our software are endless and (a clear, healthy) sky is the limit. “We create transparency while contributing to a sustainable world. We can make this happen because of our unique computation method and simulation software that make us hit the jackpot every single time: the right advice to optimize your HVAC-system, saving you thousands of Euros and countless CO₂-emissions.” Our promise? We take care of your comfort, carbon, costs, choice and control. 95% satisfied people in your building 40% less CO2 emissions 30% cost saving as a minimum Taking back control over your HVAC processes Curious to learn more? Get in touch or watch our on-demand webinars to get more inspiration. ___________________________________________________________________________ Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) You Managing Director at The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited Noel Bellen, I have read through your presentation in the blog and my initial reaction as a layman (I am an agriculturalist within Environmental Science, Ecology and Nutrition basically, my knowledge of physics and chemistry being rather limited in relation to that) but it all sounds very interesting and holds promise in the way you have made out the case for greater investment. I had not focused on how important efficiency within modern buildings are where we should concentrate our efforts and would like to see your Company's work develop such that competitors come and tackle the Climate change and energy/greenhouse gas issues for sustainable development. So I would like to insert a Blog post in my website: to your Blog and our correspondence in my next book that I am focussing on (Title of the Book is not yet known, depends on developments), with your permission in; that The Conservative Libertarian Society disseminates information of value to the global community and through the Book Publication. Please let me know if you have any objections and I will refrain from publicising this technology. Shantanu Noel Bellen: Shantanu Panigrahi I have no objections. Thanks. Shantanu Panigrahi: Noel Bellen. Thanks. I will do so now. 14.39 pm hours 8 August 2021
Shantanu Panigrahi
Aug 08, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy
Shantanu Panigrahi
Jul 28, 2021
In Religion and Philosophy
Bhagwan/Prabhu (God) is worshipped (puja) only in vyavahaika (the living reality) in the philosophy of Vishsta-advaita Vedanta and it is eventually it is a constant worship in that every act one undertakes each moment is surrendered to his Lotus Feet, for He is serene, exquisite, and rewarding to a devotee mentally who has always had steadfast bhakti or faith in his principles of living to sanatan dharma in this manner of understanding Reality. In paramarthika (the absolute Reality one does not worship God for when the realisation is complete for one has become one's own God in Vishista-advaita.
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